Wednesday, December 31, 2014



What's your favorite thing about #NewYearsEve? Have a great one!

Friday, December 26, 2014

10 Superfoods Healthier Than Kale

10 Superfoods Healthier Than Kale

In the world of marketing, image is everything. If you're James Franco or Roger Federer or Taylor Swift, your name and face can be used to sell anything from phones to watches to perfume -- even if you're not necessarily famous for the your tech-savvy, your promptness, or the way you smell. In the food world, the biggest celebrity of all might be kale -- the Shakira of salads, the Lady Gaga of leafy greens. It's universally recognized that kale anything--kale chips, kale pesto, kale face...Read More

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Healthy Cookie Exchange

Healthy Cookie Exchange

Cookie exchange: Here's our recipe for Purification friendly macaroons. Your turn! Page 115 >

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Exercise For Your Brain

Exercise, exercise and exercise is necessary for healthy brain function and longevity. A minimum of thirty minutes, three times a week is required.

Exercise For Your Brain

Exercise, exercise and exercise is necessary for healthy brain function and longevity. A minimum of thirty minutes, three times a week is required.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

A Vitamin D Expert’s Take on the Latest Warning...

A Vitamin D Expert’s Take on the Latest Warning...

By Dr. Mercola The US Surgeon General recently came out with a warning on skin cancer , 1 claiming that the sun is dangerous and that you need to stay away out of it. Dr. John Cannell, founder of the Vitamin D Council, has dedicated a large part of his professional career to the study of vitamin D and its health benefits, and he has a warning of his own to those who take this narrow-minded advice to heart. It’s worth noting that the acting Surgeon General, Boris Lushniak, is...Read More

Friday, November 7, 2014

Protecting Yourself From Illness During The Fall And Winter Season

We’ve heard a lot about colds and influenza and the controversy surrounding the vaccination programs. There are some important steps that can be taken to naturally protect yourself from these diseases. One of the most important steps is to make sure that you have adequate vitamin D levels. It is no secret that cases of colds and flu are found in greater numbers during the fall and winter seasons. During these seasons there is less sunlight and correspondingly lower vitamin D levels. Studies suggest that the optimal level in the blood should be 50 – 65 ng/ml (Holick MF.; Clin Lab Med. 2000 Sep;20(3):569-90) and many Americans have levels below 20 ng/ml in late winter season. Exposure to sunlight aids in natural vitamin D production but there are concerns with excess sun exposure and skin cancer so supplementation may be used. If you choose to use a supplement, make sure it contains Vitamin D in the natural form – vitamin D3 or cholecalciferol. There are many great articles online discussing vitamin D. It is a good idea to have your vitamin D level measured with lab work prior to initiating a supplementation program. Make sure you take care of you body by keeping your spine in alignment – the proper function of the nervous system and body alignment keeps the immune system tuned for peak performance. It was the 1917 – 1918 flu epidemic that helped chiropractic get licensure in many states due to an overwhelmingly positive response to chiropractic treatment. There are articles in the literature showing increased white blood cell activity in response to chiropractic adjustment and Life University had a long-term research project measuring the positive response to AIDS patients to chiropractic adjustments. Maintain adequate hydration – moist mucus membranes are one of our first lines of defense against bacteria and viruses. Use a vaporizer if your home air is dry due to use of the heating system. Basic hygienic measures can be effective in prevention as well. Avoid touching your face, especially eyes, nose or mouth. These are portals of entry for bacteria and viruses and your hands may carry many of these pathogens. Wash hands frequently – use soap and warm water. Remember to soap well between fingers and around nails. It is not necessary to use antibacterial soap (such soap is shown to be damaging to the endocrine system) but make sure you wash for an adequate length of time (sing the happy birthday song twice through). Hand sanitizers are not good substitutes for hand washing and they can dry out your hands. Keep hands adequately moisturized after handwashing – dry cracked skin allows pathogens to enter. Do not lick your fingers when counting money or shuffling papers. If you’ve been ill be sure to clean your phone and toothbrush to prevent reintroducing infection. Cover your mouth when sneezing or coughing to prevent spread of infection.