Thursday, November 17, 2016

Curbing The Diabetes Trend

Diabetes is becoming more common in the United States. From 1980 through 2014, the number of Americans with diagnosed diabetes has increased fourfold (from 5.5 million to 22.0 million). (Source: CDC Website)
Over the past few years we’ve seen an increase in the incidence of diabetes.  Chronic diseases like this are a large factor in the dramatic rise in health care costs as well as the "cost" of human suffering.  Those with diabetes have health care costs that are 2.3 times the costs for care without diabetes.  Diabetes affects wound healing and every other body system. Unfortunately, diabetes education programs are often no more than training on sugar testing and how to inject insulin with a brochure to take home and read.  There is no doubt that knowledge of testing is important and the brochures have helpful information but the education does not go far enough.  Diabetes is the number one cause of non-traumatic amputations in the USA.  This is a terrible situation and we can do so much better. 

The statistics are sobering but there is a light at the end of the tunnel because the vast majority of type II diabetes can be improved or even reversed with lifestyle changes.  At the center of diabetes is the hormone insulin which is supposed to be released from the pancreas when sugar levels rise and helps the sugar to get into our cells for making energy.  Type I diabetics have a permanently damaged pancreas and are not able to produce adequate insulin so they rely on insulin pumps or injections of insulin to provide the insulin that is not made by their pancreas.  Type II diabetics still produce insulin but their bodies do not respond properly to the insulin.   They often have elevated levels of insulin because of the lack of response.  The still-elevated sugar levels stimulate release of more insulin driving the insulin levels higher and the response to insulin is quite poor.  They have trouble getting the sugar into their cells to make energy and as a result they are often hungry, lacking energy and have elevated sugar levels in their blood.  The increased appetite stimulates more food consumption which drives the insulin levels higher and a vicious cycle ensues.  Improved insulin sensitivity decreases the vicious cycle of overconsumption followed by spiking and plummeting sugar levels. Some improvements in insulin sensitivity can be achieved with some simple dietary changes and by adding in a walk after dinner.    Once the individual begins to see the positive changes from these simple changes then more changes can be made.

Everyone knows that sugar is bad for diabetics but what many people do not know is that rice, bread and pasta are just as detrimental to blood sugar control.  Newer research shows that wheat may be worse than sugar in raising blood levels.   In his book “Wheat Belly” Dr. William Davis outlines the changes in the wheat plant over the past years and how the changes are harmful to us.   Dairy products also promote much insulin secretion and should be avoided by individuals who are known to be insulin-resistant.  It is unfortunate that yogurt, cottage cheese and crackers are often touted as healthy snacks for diabetics.   Better choices would be low-glycemic vegetables such as peppers and broccoli, nuts and nut butters and other snacks containing healthy fats.  

Processed foods present another challenge in gaining control of blood sugars.  Nearly all processed foods have added sugars and “low fat” or ”fat free” foods are the worst with sugar added to replace the fat.  Processed foods are also deficient in fiber which is an essential nutrient.  Fiber slows the absorption of sugars and prevents the resultant spikes in insulin levels.  An article in September 2016 in the New York Times broke the news that the sugar industry likely manipulated research data to place the blame on fat for promoting heart disease.  The Journal Of The American Medical Association published an article about that as well.  The sugar industry and indeed the bottled beverage industry have for many years tried to push the focus to fat and as a result we have seen flawed dietary guidelines promoting a low fat diet.  

Dr. Robert Lustig addressed this in his 2008 presentation “Sugar The Bitter Truth” which is an excellent presentation and may still be available online.   He has since written several books and I have enjoyed reading them.   Dr. Mark Hyman has also written a number of excellent books on this subject and he gets more into the specific nutrient deficiencies that can contribute to insulin resistance.   His “Blood Sugar Solution” book has many useful quizzes to help individuals who may be suffering from diabetes. 
The focus needs be on reducing insulin levels and restoring insulin sensitivity.   Right now, most treatments look only at sugar levels so things like dairy and wheat products are still being recommended for consumption.   As seen in the above-mentioned research these items promote excess insulin release and insulin resistance so they should be limited or even eliminated to restore proper insulin function.  

These are just a few of the things that can be done to improve sugar control and working toward the reversal of Type II diabetes.  As the lifestyle interventions start working the patient can see changes in their sugar and lipid levels and resultant improvements in A1C levels.   With diligent adherence to the lifestyle changes recommended many patients may be able to control their sugar without medications.

Monday, October 31, 2016

In Search Of A Safer Home Environment - Cleaning Without Poisons

Today we have a lot of tough choices when it comes to keeping our homes clean.   With the advent of superbugs and the heightened concerns for cleanliness many new cleaning products have been brought to market and some common household cleaners contain dangerous chemicals.  The exposure to these harsh ingredients has far-reaching consequences ranging from chemical burns, fertility problems and liver damage.    This makes for a really tough decision for parents who naturally want to maintain a sanitary environment for their children without exposing them to toxic cleaners.   This is a concern for "pet parents" as well!

Some of the modern cleaners, especially hand sanitizing agents contain estrogenic compounds which means that they can mimic the effects of estrogen in the body.  It is well known that artificially increasing levels of estrogen can lead to an increased risk of certain types of cancer. 

These compounds were not able to be removed by water processing plants and therefore enter the water supply.  The Southern California Coastal Water Research Project documented severe defects in fish populations caused by these chemicals.  Human research studies document early onset of puberty linked to estrogenic compounds in the environment.  

What’s in your cleaning cupboard?
Triclosan: Absorption through the skin can be tied to liver damage. (found in antibacterial products)
Ammonia: It is a very volatile chemical, it is very damaging to your eyes, respiratory tract and skin.
Sodium hypochlorite: Corrosive, irritates or burns skin and eyes, causes fluid in the lungs which can lead to coma or death. (also known as household bleach)
Sodium Tripolyphosphate: skin and mucous membrane irritant (laundry products)
Formaldehyde: Highly toxic, known carcinogen. (air fresheners)
Perchlorethylene: Known carcinogen damages liver, kidney and nervous system damage. (carpet cleaner)
 Ammonium Hydroxide: Corrosive, extremely irritable to eyes, skin and respiratory passages. (carpet cleaner)
Lye: Caustic, burns skin and eyes, can severely burn esophagus and stomach if swallowed. (drain cleaner or oven cleaner)
Hydrochloric acid: Corrosive, eye and skin irritant (drain cleaner)
Trichloroethane: Eye and skin irritant, nervous system depressant; damages liver and kidneys.
Petroleum Distillates: Highly flammable, carcinogenic
 Nitrobenzene: Easily absorbed through the skin, extremely toxic.
Phenol: When phenol touches your skin it can cause it to swell, burn, peel, and break out in hives. Causes convulsions, circulatory failure, coma and death. (air fresheners)
Linear alkylate sulfonate: Absorbed through the skin. Known liver damaging agent. (laundry products)

Is it any wonder that we see more and more people with allergies and multiple chemical sensitivities?

Safer alternatives

Essential oils – there is more and more research indicating the efficacy of these oils in cleaning and in actual anti-microbial activities.   They have an added benefit of being insect repellant as well.

Antibacterial hand cleaner – use one with an alcohol base instead of triclosan. 
Window cleaner – white vinegar

Carpet cleaner – white vinegar (especially for pet stains – works best on fresh stains)

Carpet deodorizing – powdered borax

To clean pet stains from carpet – use white vinegar and hot water.  This works best on fresh stains and has the added benefit of removing the odor-causing chemicals that encourage pets to leave more stains in that area.

Soap – many quality handcrafted soaps are available at natural grocery stores.  It is also easy and fun to make your own soap at home.

Salt – great for scrubbing

Baking soda – deodorizing and scouring powder.  When mixed with vinegar works to remove stains in toilet bowls.

Disinfectant - mix borax and vinegar (one half cup per gallon)

To clean greasy baked on food from dishes – put hot water in the pan and add baking soda (2 tbsp per quart of water) and allow it to sit until food is loosened from surface.

Wash dishes in soap instead of detergent.    Or you can use equal parts borax and washing soda (sodium carbonate).

To remove mineral deposits from metal shower heads boil them in vinegar – avoid inhaling the steam that is generated from this as the vaporized vinegar can be a respiratory irritant.

Efficacy of Natural Cleansers
One of the big concerns with using natural cleaning products is whether or not they are effective.   Certainly the very strong toxic cleansers are really good at killing bacteria.   However, chemicals are not the only means to kill the bacteria.  Bacteria can be killed by heat and many are destroyed simply by drying out.   Bacteria thrive with moist conditions, especially if they have a suitable host such as food (or food spills/stains).  This means that much of the bacteria can be eliminated simply by washing up thoroughly.  In a home setting, it is not practical or possible to eliminate all bacteria.  Even labs with “clean rooms” have highly specialized equipment to maintain that environment.  This includes constant positive pressure of air flow, using biohazard suits and autoclaves among other things.   Claims such as “kills 99% of all germs” or “kills germs on contact”, are really ludicrous because touching that surface or even a light breeze will repopulate that surface with bacteria.  Modern dishwashers use such high temperatures that they kill bacteria on dishes.  The hot setting on washing machines can be used on particularly soiled linens, such as bedding of someone who is ill or fabrics soiled by vomit, feces or urine.  UV light destroys many bacterial species so hanging clothes outside can help as well.

Some great benefits of natural cleaning products:
Generally speaking these natural alternatives are much less expensive than their conventional counterparts.  Part of the reason for this is that there are no research and development costs associated with the sale of these products.  They are readily available in the stores. 

Those consumers with children or pets will be glad to know that these items are safer for their little ones (human and animal!).  Pets and children have an unfortunate tendency to get into everything!  With the natural cleaners it is more difficult for them to injure or poison themselves.  What a relief!

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Ability, Motivation, Attitude

A well-rounded plan includes aerobic activity, strengthening exercises, and stretching.

Ability, Motivation, Attitude

For a well-rounded workout plan, combine aerobic activity, muscle-strengthening exercises, and stretching.

Push Yourself

"It's important to push yourself further than you think you can go each and every day - as that is what separates the good from the great." Kerri Strug

Push Yourself

"It's important to push yourself further than you think you can go each and every day - as that is what separates the good from the great." Kerri Strug

Monday, September 5, 2016

Enjoy Your Time!

​"The end of labor is to gain pleasure." Aristotle

Enjoy Your Time!

​"The end of labor is to gain pleasure." Aristotle

Friday, August 5, 2016

Your View Of The World

​"Loving people live in a loving world. Hostile people live in a hostile world. Same world." Wayne Dyer

Your View Of The World

​"Loving people live in a loving world. Hostile people live in a hostile world. Same world." Wayne Dyer

Monday, July 18, 2016

In Season Superfood

It's the season of berries! - learn more here:

In Season Superfood

It's the season of cherries, blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, raspberries, huckleberries, mulberries and more! So, go on and indulge.

Monday, June 6, 2016

Natural Mood Booster

Exercise is a natural mood booster. Get active and get happy.

Natural Mood Booster

Exercise is a natural mood booster. Get active and get happy. ​

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Homemade Summer Popsicles: 3 Ways!

Homemade healthy popsicles that require no added sugar! Perfect for a frozen summer treat, these ice pops are delicious and refreshing.

Homemade Summer Popsicles: 3 Ways!

Homemade healthy popsicles that require no added sugar! Perfect for a frozen summer treat, these ice pops are delicious and refreshing.

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Refocus On Wellness

Maintaining health is a life long pursuit, not an end result.

Refocus On Wellness

Maintaining health is a life long pursuit, not an end result.

Monday, May 23, 2016

A Healthy Life is Built One Day at a Time

Nobody lives a perfect life. When you stray from your healthiest path, don't let it drag you down. Instead, be thankful for the change of scenery and then jump right back on your intended route.

A Healthy Life is Built One Day at a Time

Nobody lives a perfect life. When you stray from your healthiest path, don't let it drag you down. Instead, be thankful for the change of scenery and then jump right back on your intended route.

Friday, May 20, 2016

3 Ways to Mix Up Your Hydration Routine

Getting enough water throughout the day is such a good and simple way to feel your best. But water isn't the only source of fluids. Can you say, "Pass the salsa!"

3 Ways to Mix Up Your Hydration Routine

Getting enough water throughout the day is such a good and simple way to feel your best. But water isn't the only source of fluids.

Monday, May 16, 2016

An Excellent Snack

Just about any nut or seed makes for an excellent snack!

An Excellent Snack

​Just about any nut or seed makes for an excellent snack!

Monday, May 9, 2016

The overhead squat assessment is more than just...

Hip shifting compensation? A behind the scenes look at the overhead squat assessment and how you can use it to treat patients.

The overhead squat assessment is more than just...

Hip shifting compensation? A behind the scenes look at the overhead squat assessment and how you can use it to treat patients. ​

Friday, May 6, 2016

Feed Your Senses

"Fill your plate with the colors of the rainbow. What pleases the eye pleases the body as a whole." Deepak Chopra

Feed Your Senses

"Fill your plate with the colors of the rainbow. What pleases the eye pleases the body as a whole." Deepak Chopra

Thursday, May 5, 2016

#Immune Support-Hydration

Keeping your body properly hydrated is an excellent #wellnessbooster. It can help keep your #immune system fighting strong before you get #sick, and help it flush #toxins when you need your #health back fast!

#Immune Support-Hydration

Keeping your body properly hydrated is an excellent #wellnessbooster.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Healthy Self

Illness and injury can keep you from doing the things you love, making you feel like you're losing part of yourself. Heal faster by taking care of yourself as soon as illness or injury hits. Keeping yourself healthy and happy also helps you avoid problems in the future. Never underestimate the value of a happy you, particularly when you're trying to get #BackInTheGame.

Healthy Self

Illness and injury can keep you from doing the things you love, making you feel like you're losing part of yourself. Heal faster by taking care of yourself as soon as illness or injury hits.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Code Word For Chemicals

"Low Fat" and "Sugar Free" are not good for your diet. Eat whole foods and use natural sweeteners sparingly.

Code Word For Chemicals

"Low Fat" and "Sugar Free" are not good for your diet. Eat whole foods and use natural sweeteners sparingly. 

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Train your glutes and hamstrings with this...

Performing the bridge on a stability ball will train the whole backside of your legs will improving your overall stability.

Train your glutes and hamstrings with this...


Friday, April 22, 2016

Baked Sweet Potato with Avocado

Make an incredibly nutritious and delicious baked sweet potato with avocado and vitamin C rich Swiss chard.

Baked Sweet Potato with Avocado

Make an incredibly nutritious and delicious baked sweet potato with avocado and vitamin C rich Swiss chard.

Monday, April 18, 2016

5 Ways To Dress Up Your Water

Flavored water is a great way to add some fun, flavor and nutrition to your day. It can also help you curb hunger while at work, on the road or at home.

5 Ways To Dress Up Your Water

Flavored water is a great way to add some fun, flavor and nutrition to your day. It can also help you curb hunger while at work, on the road or at home.

Friday, April 15, 2016

The 7 Things To Avoid During Your Workout

There are a lot of people telling you what to do in the gym and how often you should do it, but when's the last time you had someone tell you what not to do?

The 7 Things To Avoid During Your Workout

There are a lot of people telling you what to do in the gym and how often you should do it, but when's the last time you had someone tell you what not to do?

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Fresh and Local

One easy change to make as you improve your eating habits is to buy organic food. Your best bet is to purchase organic produce that is fresh and local.

Fresh and Local

One easy change to make as you improve your eating habits is to buy organic food. Your best bet is to purchase organic produce that is fresh and local.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

4 Immune Boosting Smoothie Recipes

Start off your day right with these vitamin-packed smoothies! Each is made with natural fruits and veggies, fortified for heart-health, and some even have a few surprising ingredients!

4 Immune Boosting Smoothie Recipes

​Start off your day right with these vitamin-packed smoothies!

Monday, April 11, 2016

Add Dark Greens

Make sure that dark green vegetables account for more than 6% of your vegetable consumption.

Add Dark Greens

Make sure that dark green vegetables account for more than 6% of your vegetable consumption.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Worth The Work

Don't wish for the quality of life you want, work for it!

Worth The Work

Don't wish for the quality of life you want, work for it!

Thursday, March 17, 2016

7 Reasons to Wake Up to Lemon Water ActiveBeat...

If you find plain water boring, take it up a notch with lemon water!

7 Reasons to Wake Up to Lemon Water ActiveBeat...

​If you find plain water boring, take it up a notch with lemon water!

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Anything Better Than Nothing

It's almost spring! Get moving! Did you know that moving 10,000 steps daily is better for your health than only doing weights three times a week? Find something you love to do, and do more of it! #MovementMatters

Anything Better Than Nothing

It's almost spring! Get moving! Did you know that moving 10,000 steps daily is better for your health than only doing weights three times a week? Find something you love to do, and do more of it! #MovementMatters

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

This is Your Body on Diet Soda

Sweet, fizzy diet soda may seem like a dieter's dream–but the lack of calories comes with some pretty unpleasant side effects.

This is Your Body on Diet Soda

Sweet, fizzy diet soda may seem like a dieter's dream–but the lack of calories comes with some pretty unpleasant side effects.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Self Care

“It’s not selfish to love yourself, take care of yourself, and to make your happiness a priority. It’s necessary.” Mandy Hale

Self Care

​“It’s not selfish to love yourself, take care of yourself, and to make your happiness a priority. It’s necessary.” Mandy Hale

Friday, March 4, 2016

Beware of These 4 Food Phrases

It pays to learn the words that food manufacturers use to trick us into buying.

Beware of These 4 Food Phrases

It pays to learn the words that food manufacturers use to trick us into buying.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Foods that Cause Inflammation

There are many surprising foods that cause quite a bit of inflammation and should be avoided at all cost. Here are just a few.

Foods that Cause Inflammation

There are many surprising foods that cause quite a bit of inflammation and should be avoided at all cost. Here are just a few.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Friday, February 12, 2016

Health Benefits of Ginger

A major compound contained in ginger is 6-gingerol. This phytonutrient decreases nitric oxide production which wreaks havoc and stress on cells and processes in the body. As a result, 6-gingerol protects against free radical damage and has exhibited strong neuroprotective properties in research. 6- Gingerol enhances the antioxidant defense system by contributing pharmacological activity to protect cells from carcinogens and cancerous activity. (10) I recommend adding fresh ground or dried ginger to meat marinades or on vegetable dishes. It is also a great practice to consume a cup or two of ginger tea everyday. I am also a huge fan of fermented ginger, which is commonly used in Asian dishes such as sushi and in the Korean dish kimchi.

Health Benefits of Ginger

Add fresh ground or dried ginger to meat marinades or on vegetable dishes. It is also a great practice to consume a cup or two of ginger tea everyday. 

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Chiro Kitchen: The Complete Guide to Homemade...

Homemade Chocolate, just in time for Valentine's Day. 5 healthy ingredients!

Chiro Kitchen: The Complete Guide to Homemade...

Valentine's day is around the corner, but who needs an excuse to make chocolate...or eat it? Especially if that chocolate is not only delicious, but good for you. Yep, it's true. This is a chocolate this is really good for you. It is so filled with many health benefits, you can eat a piece everyday! AND you can easily make it in your own kitchen using only 5 ingredients! Yes,it is that easy. Let's get started with what you will need.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Forming New Habits

21-DAYS. They say that's what it takes to form a new habit, but remember this >>

Forming New Habits

21-DAYS. They say that's what it takes to form a new habit, but remember this >>

Monday, January 4, 2016

Build On Your Success

Think back over this last year and recognize your health successes. Those little modifications have led to big changes. What can you do to add to that next year?

Build On Your Success

Think back over this last year and recognize your health successes.

Saturday, January 2, 2016

How to Make Crispy Chickpeas

Chef Elana takes you through the easy steps of making criminally crunchy crispy chickpeas.

How to Make Crispy Chickpeas

Chef Elana takes you through the easy steps of making criminally crunchy crispy chickpeas.